About Me

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I attend college, Work and sleep whenever I can

Social software world


This site has been created so I can use it for my social software class. Now do I use it as a general 'Spraff rubbish blog' or make it for a specific topic!!

Thursday 28 April 2011

Brain fry

Ever question if you are heading in the right direction? I do every day and it's so very annoying. Am I on the correct course, Have I picked the right HNC for next year, Am I good enough? All this goes round in my head constantly. It’s very tiring and now we have to prepare for the ‘Interactive media’ course interview as though we are applying for a 60k a year job. PAH! Maybe I should sack it all and just be a cleaner. Yes/no?...... 

1 comment:

  1. Relax, don't panic.

    Basically we've had a small taster of varying elements of interactive media.

    Web design, flash animation, photo/movie editing along with some theory which you seemed to enjoy?

    By giving HNC IM a bash you'll get the opportunity to specialise in these areas.

    Then doors will open for you in a whole range of areas and you can get that 60 per year job!

    Think positive!

    Either that or get your mop and bucket out :)
